The Light Of Life, February 27, 2010

David: This illumination you have is not just about spiritual things, it’s about how humans function, how the way you’re going to function in your naturalness. When this Bliss really takes hold, wow! You’re in for a real amusement park ride. You’re in for a rollercoaster ride.

When you’ve been really taken over by the Supreme then that goes on primarily functioning as you. There’s really no you to speak of at that point, no mentally identifiable, separate you. There’s that Bliss that is coursing through and animating you and living you and radiating you.

It’s just the light of life at that point and you want to share that with people. You want to share that kind of liberation where you are the light of life, and you enjoy meeting others who are radiating this core light of Bliss and Feeling and Energy. And then you connect, and you feel wonderful.

That’s God, that’s the real God, which is not a God at all. It’s just functioning. It’s just the way everything is functioning here. You lose all that propaganda, all that religious propaganda, and you start to really see. Your eyes pop wide open, and you start to see that you’re a tree. You’re a squirrel. You’re all of this animated, organic functioning. You’re the wind patterns. It’s all talking to you. It’s all happening in you. So, the illusion of separation goes and all that is implied by it.


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Easy Grace

Easy Grace
Meditations on Love, Awakening and the Ecstatic Heart