Faith and Realization, March 17, 2009

Faith and Realization, March 17, 2009

You need three kinds of faith to progress on this Path. You need faith in your Self; if you you’re going to be with me as a Teacher, you need faith in the Teacher; that the Teacher is real; and the third thing you need faith in is Life, Life Itself; the very nature of Life that gives birth to the Wisdom-Mind. That this thing that we are searching for — Wisdom, Knowledge, Truth — is something that’s going to be revealed from within the very power of Life, not from somewhere else. So if you have that triadic unity: faith in your Self, faith in the Teacher, faith in Life — then you have everything. Then it’s easy to just melt into Consciousness.

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Easy Grace
Meditations on Love, Awakening and the Ecstatic Heart